Posted in: Instruction Policy Pre-K

Preschool Student Experiences in the Wake of COVID-19

New research examines the supports that preschool students received – or in many instances didn’t receive – when classrooms closed their doors this spring. NIEER Senior Co-Director W. Steven Barnett discusses his team’s findings, their potential impacts on students, and some important implications for policymakers, practitioners, school leaders and families.

Science, Engineering and ‘The Cat in the Hat’: Can Videos and Games Improve Early Learning?

In a new study, researchers found that a suite of digital games and videos centered on “The Cat in the Hat” had meaningful impacts on young children’s knowledge of – and engagement with – science and engineering concepts.

Posted in: Instruction Pre-K

Study: Quality of Head Start Centers Can Vary By Classroom

Head Start, the nation’s largest publicly funded preschool program, holds licensed centers and agencies accountable through a set of defined quality standards. A new study, however, finds that the overall quality rating of a center can vary substantially, depending on which classrooms are evaluated.