New York City’s “school improvement industry” – the myriad external groups and organizations working to help schools meet specific goals – is so large, and often so fragmented, that it can be difficult to even measure.

Thomas Hatch, a Columbia University researcher and co-director of the National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools, and Teaching, recently set out to map those organizations working to support K-3 reading in New York schools, and understand how they operate, interact, and impact education.

Hatch sits down with CPRE senior researcher Ryan Fink to discuss his new research brief – “The Role of External Support Providers in Improving K-3 Reading Outcomes in New York” – and its potential implications for stakeholders across the country.

Featured research: Hatch, Thomas; Ahn, Meesuk; Ferguson, Daniel; and Rumberger, Alyson. (2019). The Role of External Support Providers in Improving K-3 Reading Outcomes in New York. CPRE Policy Briefs.